Characterization of type 2 diabetic patients on recent insulin use: lifestyle and depressive symptoms




Diabetes Mellitus, insulin, depression.


AIMS: To characterize type 2 diabetes mellitus patients who have recently initiated treatment with insulin regarding lifestyle and depressive symptoms.
METHODS: Cross-sectional study carried out with patients in recent use of insulin, which was determined by the register held in the family health strategy, from January 2017 to August 2018. In home visits, the patients answered questions about lifestyle and characteristics of the disease, and Beck’s Depression Inventory.
RESULTS: The sample consisted of 38 type 2 diabetic patients in recent use of insulin. There was a predominance of males (57.9%), married (65.8%) and white (89.5%), the average years of study being 5.8±2.9. 13.2% were considered physically active in leisure time, and only 47.4% were restricting carbohydrates. 65.8% were overweight and 34.2% were obese. The participants had type 2 diabetes mellitus diagnosis for 8.9±7.48 years on average. Regarding the reasons that led to the use of insulin, 92.1% mentioned the lack of control of the disease. As for the classification of depressive symptoms, 47.3% had some psychological alteration. We verified that the presence of depressive symptoms
was more prevalent in women (p=0,014).
CONCLUSION: Patients with type 2 diabetes on recent insulin use had few changes in lifestyle after being diagnosed with the disease. Most patients started using insulin due to lack of control of the disease. The presence of depressive symptoms was more prevalent in women and in patients who reported dietary changes after the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus.


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How to Cite

Schuelter, P. O., Fernandes, T. M., Marques, G. M., & Iser, B. P. M. (2019). Characterization of type 2 diabetic patients on recent insulin use: lifestyle and depressive symptoms. Scientia Medica, 29(3), e33463.



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