Balance, functional mobility and quality of life in eldery participants and non-participants of a community center


  • Maiara Lohn Farias
  • Lisiane Piazza Luza
  • Bianca Andrade Sousa
  • Ediane Roberge Zampirolo



aged, motor activity, senior centers, postural balance, quality of life.


AIMS: To evaluate balance, functional mobility and quality of life in elderly participants and non-participants of a senior citizen center.

METHODS: Subjects aged 60 or over, participating in a senior citizen center in the city of Santo Amaro da Imperatriz, in Santa Catarina (Participating Group: PG) were evaluated. As a control group for comparison, elderly residents of the same community who did not participate in any senior center (Non-Participating Group: NPG) were included. Subjects with locomotion disabilities, neurological diseases that affected the gait or balance, and inability to understand the general commands indispensable to the tests were excluded. The sample was non-probabilistic intentional. To evaluate the balance, the Berg Balance Scale was applied, and for assess functional mobility we used the Timed Up and Go and the Anterior Functional Scope tests. Quality of life was assessed by the SF-36 questionnaire. The data were treated by descriptive and inferential statistics, considering p≤0.05 as significant.

RESULTS: Fifty-six elderly participated, being 28 of PG and 28 of NPG. By means of the Berg Balance Scale, we found a better balance in PG (mean 53.2±2.1 points) compared to NPG (mean 48.8±6.2 points) (p=0.001). In the Timed Up and Go test, PG spent in average less time to perform the test (9.5±1.5 seconds) than NPG (13.1±5.1 seconds) (p=0.001). We observed a better quality of life in all domains of SF-36 in PG when compared to NPG (p<0.05).

CONCLUSIONS: Elderly people who participated in a senior citizen center presented better balance, functional mobility and quality of life than elderly people from the same community who did not participate in senior centers.


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How to Cite

Farias, M. L., Luza, L. P., Sousa, B. A., & Zampirolo, E. R. (2017). Balance, functional mobility and quality of life in eldery participants and non-participants of a community center. Scientia Medica, 27(4), ID27400.



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