Assessment of nutritional status in oncological elderly patients admitted to a high complexity hospital of the North of Rio Grande do Sul


  • Elisa Pelissaro
  • Cássia Cassol Damo
  • Ana Luisa Sant’Anna Alves
  • Aline Calcing
  • Daiana Argenta Kümpel



elderly, neoplasia, nutritional status.


Aims: To assess the nutritional risk in hospitalized oncological elderly patients.

Methods: Retrospective study conducted with oncological elderly patients hospitalized at the São Vicente de Paulo Hospital, in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Patients with cancer who underwent anthropometric and subjective evaluation by the Mini Nutritional Assessment Reduced Forms were selected. Data were collected from the research form used by the National Cancer Institute, including clinical evaluation, type of cancer, reason for hospital admission and length of stay.

Results: A total of 70 elderly patients with cancer, of both genders, with a mean age of 72.94±6.93 years, were evaluated. All patients with pancreatic cancer had weight loss. Patients with lung cancer and pancreatic cancer had the highest percentage of severe weight loss (greater than 10% of usual weight in the last six months), 57.1% and 40% respectively, while the majority of breast cancer cases had no weight loss. Body mass index and calf circumference diagnosed greater proportion of normal weight (55.7% and 65.7%, respectively), unlike the Mini Nutritional Assessment Reduced Forms, that identified higher rates of malnutrition or nutritional risk (84.4%).

Conclusions: Most hospitalized oncological elderly were found to be eutrophic by the anthropometric indicators body mass index and calf circumference, while a higher proportion of these patients were classified as malnourished or at nutritional risk by the Mini Nutritional Assessment Reduced Forms, as well as by the percentage of weight loss. Patients with lung and pancreas cancer had the most severe weight loss. These results confirm the importance of using different parameters to assess the nutritional status of elderly with cancer.


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Author Biographies

Elisa Pelissaro

Nutricionista Residente em Atenção ao Câncer pelo Hospital São Vicente de Paulo e Universidade de Passo Fundo. Pós-graduada em Nutrição Oncológica pelo Instituto de Educação e Pesquisa Hospital Moinhos de Vento.

Cássia Cassol Damo

Nutricionista Residente em Atenção ao Câncer pelo Hospital São Vicente de Paulo e Universidade de Passo Fundo

Ana Luisa Sant’Anna Alves

Nutricionista Docente do curso de Nutrição da Universidade de Passo Fundo. Doutora em Epidemiologia pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Mestra em Ciências da Saúde - Área de Saúde Coletiva pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos.

Aline Calcing

Nutricionista clínica do Hospital São Vicente de Paulo. Pós Graduada em Nutrição Clínica e Estética pelo Instituto de Pesquisas Ensino e Gestão em Saúde.

Daiana Argenta Kümpel

Nutricionista Docente do curso de Nutrição da Universidade de Passo Fundo. Mestra em Envelhecimento Humano e  Pós-graduada em Tecnologia e Controle de Qualidade em Alimentos pela Universidade de Passo Fundo


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How to Cite

Pelissaro, E., Cassol Damo, C., Sant’Anna Alves, A. L., Calcing, A., & Argenta Kümpel, D. (2016). Assessment of nutritional status in oncological elderly patients admitted to a high complexity hospital of the North of Rio Grande do Sul. Scientia Medica, 26(2), ID22972.



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