Continuous Flow Publication.


The continuous publication process (or rolling pass or rolling publishing) is recommended by the Scientific Editors Brazilian Association [1] and SciELO [2], and Scientia Medica has been used the since 2015. It is an online publishing method that facilitates editorial and publishing processes and gives greater visibility to published articles. According to the guidelines for SciELO publications [2, 3], this modality promotes speed in the process of communication and availability of research, with numerous advantages for users of scientific information: researchers, students, readers, publishers and funding agencies. In addition, it offers several operational advantages such as: 1) facilitate the indexation of articles in bibliographic databases where the journal is indexed, with emphasis on Google Scholar, PubMED, SciELO, Scopus and Web of Science; 2) stop accumulating the already approved articles waiting for the composition and diagramming of the next number and 3) keep feeding by sections both in the structure [4]. 

The use of a single annual number will allow Scientia Medica to have greater agility in its publications and avoid possible delays that could occur in its publishing by issues. Therefore, in December 2019, Scientia Medica closed the current publication cycle with volume and number, with volume 29, number 4. From 2020, the journal's publications will be identified by volume: 30 in 2020, 31 in 2021, 32 in 2022, and so on.