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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text follows the journal's formatting requirements according to the "Guidelines for Authors"found in the "Submissions" section.
  • It is mandatory to fill in the Article Cover, with the article information. This document must be forwarded separately at the time of submission.

Author Guidelines

Authoe Guidelines

Presentation letter

At least 3 files must be transferred for article submission and made available to the publisher: a presentation letter, the Research Ethics Committee approval document and the main document. Below are the instructions for their preparation and formatting.

Inclusion of Metadata

Metadata must be entered carefully during submission. Please follow these instructions.

The full names of ALL authors of the article must be included on the submission page, in the order of authorship and in the same order as they appear on the title page, as well as their email addresses and institutions of origin (called "affiliation"). It is very important that the submitter provides valid email addresses for all authors in the specific field. The corresponding author's preferred email address must be institutional.

Click here Click here to download the Presentation Letter template. Complete it as instructed and upload it as a supplemental document at the time of submission.

The Presentation Letter must include the following information:

  1. Full name of each author.
  2. Identification of each author's contribution to the study as reported in the published article.
  3. Number of words in the article (excluding summary, abstract, references, tables, and figures), number of tables and figures, and list of abbreviations.
  4. Conflict of interest statement for each author.

Data collection must have been completed no more than two (2) years prior to the beginning of the current year, and literature searches must be updated to the semester prior to the date of submission.

Note: Completing the cover page and presentation letter does not exempt the submitting author from completing the metadata on the website, and it is very important to include the full names of all authors and their respective emails in the metadata. VALID, in the order of authorship that must be published.

The cover page and the presentation letter must be separated from the main document and will not be made available to reviewers, as Scientia Medica uses a double-blind peer review system.

Copy of the approval document from the Research Ethics Committee

The following standards for references in the biomedical area refer to the Vancouver Group, of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, available at the PUCRS Library for consultation ( and through the link Vancouver - General rules

Original articles and case reports must necessarily have followed the ethical principles of research on human beings ( and have been approved by a Research Ethics Committee, This fact must be clearly mentioned in the description of the methodology. It is not enough to provide the CAAE number.

If applicable, inform that free and informed consent was obtained from all adult participants or, in the case of minors or incapacitated individuals, from their legal representatives.

In the case of an experimental study with animals, inform that the maintenance and care of the animals follows the institution's or country's guidelines for the use of animals in research.

ISSN and Scientia Medica Pagination on Lattes CV and sucupira plataform

We ask the authors to fill in their scientific production on the Lattes Platform (CNPq) and the Sucupira Platform (CAPES), regarding the new publications, informing the ISSN-1980-6108 (eletronic), as from 2015 Scientia Medica does no longer have print edition. However, ISSN-1806-5562, previously granted to the print edition, remains valid and is currently referred to as INSS-L.

Where CV Lattes requests page numbers, do not place the numbers at the bottom of the article pages. In the place for the first page number, enter the article ID. Please check the note on “How to cite this article” on the first page of each document.


Papers may be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish, and scientific language requires a clear, simple, and concise style.

Submissions by Brazilian or Portuguese-speaking authors in English and Spanish must be accompanied by a translation statement or certificate from the person responsible for the English or Spanish version.

Article Organization and Other Publication Rules

The order of sections for all types of articles is as follows: ABSTRACT, DESCRIPTION, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, KEY WORDS, BODY TEXT, REFERENCES, TABLES (if any), FIGURES (if any). Details on the preparation of each of these elements can be found in "TEXTUAL ELEMENTS". Article titles and subtitles should not be numbered.

Acknowledgments, Financial Support, and Conflicts of Interest

Acknowledgments must be brief and objective, listing only the individuals or institutions that contributed to the study. They must be included in the cover letter, along with information about financial support and conflicts of interest. They are later placed as notes at the end of the article.

 Textual Elements 

The main manuscript must contain: Title in capital letters in Portuguese and English, abstracts and three to six keywords in the languages indicated by the journal.

Original manuscripts must have a maximum of 10 authors, 5,000 words (excluding Title, Summary, Abstract, keywords, references, tables, and figures), and tables and figures must be a maximum of four in total. It is recommended to cite up to 30 bibliographic references, with 70% less than five years old. For systematic reviews and meta-analysis, it is recommended to cite between 30 and 40 bibliographic references. For case reports, a maximum of five authors (who have effectively participated in preparing the report), up to 2,000 words, 15 references and four figures are admitted.

The manuscript must be divided into subtitles, according to the type of article:

Original articles: Introduction; Methods; Results and discussion. In Original Articles, Scientia Medica does not accept the results and discussion being combined in the same subtitle. Conclusions should not constitute a separate item, being placed as the last paragraph of the Discussion.

In randomized clinical trials, attach the CONSORT checklist and flowchart template (

In observational studies, attach the STROBE checklist (

In diagnostic and prognostic studies, attach the STARD checklist (

Review articles: Introduction; Methods; Selection results; Review Contents (and other subheadings) and Discussion. In review articles, conclusions may constitute the last subtitle, which may alternatively be called Discussion or Final Considerations.

Case reports: Introduction; Report of the case(s) and Discussion. Attach the CARE checklist (

Letters to the Editor: there is no specific structure. It can have a maximum of three authors, must not exceed 1,000 words and up to 5 references.

Subtitles must not be numbered in any of the article types.


There must be one version of the abstract in Portuguese (or Spanish if the main text is in that language) and another in English, each of up to 340 words. Both versions must have the same content. All information that appears in the abstract and summary must also appear in the main text.


Original and review articles: The Summary and Abstract must be organized into Aim, Method, Results and Conclusions.

Case reports: The Summary and Abstract must be structured as follows Objective, Case Description, and Conclusion.

Descriptors (indexers of Keywords) and Keywords

Descriptors are terms used in article indexing so that it can be found by eletronic search engine. Correctly filing int the descriptors is essential for their publication to be easily found by other researchers. Scientia Medica uses as key words th Health Science Descriptors (DeCs) avaliable from BIREME/ PAHO/ WHO at where the terms in both Portuguese and English are found, which should also be placed in the original. 

Some general rules of publication

Numbers one through nine must be written in full unless followed by unit of measure or when composing a series. Units of measurement must follow the International Measurement System.
Foreign terms and names of microorganisms and animal or plant species must be written in italics.
Acronyms of compound terms or abbreviations may be used if the term appears at least five times in the text. In the first citation, the term must be spelled out, followed by the acronym or abbreviation in parentheses. Do not use acronyms or abbreviations in abstracts.
In the quotation of trademarks inform the name of the manufacturer and the place of manufacture (city, country), in parentheses.
All figures should be numbered in order of appearance in the text, in Arabic numbers (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.) and the text must contain the indication of each. The figures are placed after the tables at the end of the document, with their numbers and labels at the bottom. Subtitles should be succinct but self-explanatory, with clear information, so as not to consult the text.

Main Document Formatting

Preferably use Word's Style feature. Apply the "Normal" style to the entire document. To configure it, right-click "¶Normal" and left-click "Modify. Select the following settings:

- Font: Times New Roman 12.

- Paragraph: Justified; first line indent 1.25 cm; no leading or trailing; double line spacing.

- Do not use spaces or tabs to indent the first line, just the paragraph configuration.

Page numbering should be in the lower right-hand corner.

Numbers from one to nine must be written in full unless followed by a unit of measurement or when forming a series. Units of measurement must follow the International System of Units.

Do not use spaces on either side of the ± symbol.

Foreign terms and the names of microorganisms and animal or plant species must be written in italics.

Acronyms of compound terms or abbreviations may be used if the term appears at least five times in the text. In the first citation, the term must be written in full, followed by the acronym or abbreviation in parentheses. Do not use acronyms or abbreviations in abstracts. Acronyms and abbreviations used in tables and/or figures must be explained in the footnote and/or legend.

When citing trademarks, give the name of the manufacturer and the place of manufacture (city, country) in parentheses.

Do not use the footnotes/endnotes feature of your word processor.

Use up to 4 figures and/or tables in the manuscript. Higher number must be justified to the editorial team.

All tables and figures must be numbered in the order of appearance in the text, in Arabic numbers (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.) and the text must contain an indication of each one. The figures are placed after the tables, at the end of the document, with their respective numbers and captions at the bottom. Subtitles must be succinct, but self-explanatory, with clear information, so as not to require consulting the text.


Tables with their captions must be presented in Word format (Microsoft Office). In the original manuscript they must be placed after the references, on new pages.

Unlike main text, tables are best viewed left-aligned, without anyfirst-line indentation, and with single line spacing. Select each table and apply these settings.

All tables (as well as figures) must be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text and must be cited in the text. The title must appear at the top, preceded by the word "Table," followed by the number in the order in which they appear in the text, in Arabic numerals (e.g., Table 1, Table 2, etc.).

Table titles should be self-explanatory so that the tables can be understood without referring to the text. More detailed or specific explanations should be given in footnotes, identified by symbols in the following order: *, †, ‡, §, ||, ¶, **, ††, ‡‡. Preferably, statistical processing information should be included. Do not underline or draw lines within tables, and do not use spaces to separate columns. Do not use spaces on either side of the ± symbol.

Unlike the rest of the text, tables must be formatted with no first line indentation and single line spacing.



Figures include graphs, drawings, flowcharts, photographs, etc. Preference is given to original figures produced by the authors. If a figure has already been published, either by the authors themselves or by a third party, the authors must indicate the original source in the caption and provide a letter of permission from the copyright holder (publisher, journal, or author), without which the figure cannot be reproduced in Scientia Medica. This letter of permission can be sent at the time of the author's first review of the article.

All figures must be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text, in Arabic numerals (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.), and the text must contain an indication of each figure. Figures are placed after tables at the end of the document, with their respective numbers and captions at the bottom. Subtitles must be concise but self-explanatory, with clear information that does not require reference to the text.

Figures produced in a text file, such as graphs and flowcharts in Word or Excel, must be sent in the original form in which they were produced, i.e. in a form that can be edited.

Photographs and some complex images must be sent as image files (preferably in JPG format) with a minimum resolution of 600 dpi for better viewing on the electronic page, but not exceeding 2 MB. As with the cover page, image files must be submitted as a "Supplementary Document" in the appropriate place. The captions of the figures sent as attachments must be placed with the appropriate numbering at the end of the main text of the article, after the references, and in the metadata of the supplementary document, according to the instructions given at the time of submission.


References: General Rules | Vancouver

The following standards for references in the biomedical field refer to the Vancouver Group of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, which can be consulted in the PUCRS library ( and through the link


References (mandatory element) - Vancouver

References are cited numerically in the body of the text, after the appropriate paragraph, in parentheses, and before punctuation. Example: (1).

If the citation contains more than one number, separate each number with a comma and a space. Examples: (1, 2) or (2, 7).

For more than two numbers in a row, enter only the first and last numbers, separated by a hyphen. Example: (2-4).

If there are only two numbers in a row, separate them with a comma, as in the second example. Do not use italics or bold.

The list of references can be numbered manually or by using the numbered bullet list in Word or by using reference manager software. All references cited in the text, and only those references, must appear in the reference list. The numbering of the list follows the order in which they appear in the text.

The reference style in the list is Vancouver.

- Up to 6 authors: all are referenced, separated by a comma: Last name followed by the initials of the first name and middle name(s), without a period. Each author separated by a comma and ending with a period.

- More than 6 authors: list the first six, separated by a comma, followed by et al.

- Journal titles must be abbreviated according to the style used in Medline (

Scientia Medica does not include the day and month of publication.

- If the periodical does not have an issue number, two periods are placed immediately after the volume.

- Pagination: Do not repeat numbers on the last page that are already on the first page. For example, instead of 281-287, write 281-7.

- DOI (Digital Object Identifier): If the cited journal has an electronic edition and the cited article has a DOI, authors are asked to place the DOI in hyperlink format, without punctuation, at the end.

Standards and examples can also be found on the website:

Examples of the most common types of references are listed below.

  1. a) Article in a printed or electronic journal:

Author(s). Title of the article. Journal title. Year; Volume (Issue): Pages. DOI (address in the form of a hyperlink).

Pagination in an electronic-only journal: In general, the page number is placed as it appears in the publication, preceded by the letter "e".

If the electronic article does not have a DOI:

Author. Title of the article. Title of the journal [Internet]. Year [accessed on: day month year]; volume (number): first and last pages. Available at: e-mail address

  1. b) Books (or monographs):

-Author(s). Title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; year of publication.

The indication of the edition (the first is not indicated) must always be in the language of the book - If in Portuguese: 2ª, 3º. If in English: 2nd, 3rd, 4th).


- Personal author(s):

Clotet, J. Bioethics - an approach. 2ª ed. Porto Alegre: Edipucrs; 2006.

- Editor(s), compiler(s) as author(s):

Remington JS, Klein JO, Wilson CB, Nizet V, Maldonado YA, editors. Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn. 7th edition. Pennsylvania: Elsevier Saunders; 2011.

  1. c) Book Chapter

Chapter author(s). Chapter title. In: Book organizer(s). Title of the book. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; year of publication. Chapter start and end pages.


Remington JS, McLeod R, Wilson CB, Desmonts G. Toxoplasmosis. In: Remington JS, Klein JO, Wilson CB, Nizet V, Maldonado YA, editors. Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn. 7th edition. Pennsylvania: Elsevier Saunders; 2011. 918-1041 p.

  1. d) Thesis / Dissertation / Final Paper

Author. Title [Thesis/Dissertation/Completion Work]. Location (State): University; Year.


Silva MM. Infant sleep and breastfeeding [Doctoral thesis]. Porto Alegre (RS): Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul; 2008. 134 p.

Padoin, AV. Influence of the donor site on the concentration of adipose-derived stem cells in women [Doctoral Thesis]. Porto Alegre (RS): Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul; 2008. 53 p.

  1. e) Dissertation/Thesis/Course Completion Paper in electronic form

Author(s). Title [Internet]. Edition. Location: Publisher; Year [cited year month day]. Available at: E-mail address.


Author(s). Title [online monograph]. Edition. Location: Publisher; Year [cited year month day]. Available at: e-mail address.

  1. f) E-pub

Author(s). Title of the article. Title of the journal. Year Month Day;volume:pages. Epub Year Month Day.

  1. g) Congress Proceedings

Event Title No. Year Month Day(s); Place of the event. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication.

  1. h) Congress paper

Author(s). Title. In: Title of event; Year Month Days; Place of event. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. pages.

  1. i) Website -

Author(s). Title. [Website.] Location; Year [cited year month day]. Available at: e-mail address.


After acceptance


A proof set in PDF format will be emailed to the corresponding author so that the author can download the file and make any necessary corrections. At this point, no further changes can be made to the content of the article. The DOI will not work yet, as it will be registered after publication. To ensure a speedy publication process, we ask authors to submit their proofs within two days. Use Adobe Reader version 9 (or higher) ( to mark up these corrections. Detailed system requirements are available on the Adobe website.


Original Articles

Original articles include reports of controlled and randomized studies, screening and diagnostic studies and other descriptive and intervention studies, as well as records on basic research conducted with laboratory animals. They mainly refer to epidemiological, clinical and experimental studies. Each article must contain clear objectives and hypotheses, design and methods used, results, discussion and conclusions. For information on the guidelines to be followed in health research for this type of article, please acess: Randomized controlled trials should be submitted according to the CONSORT guidelines (available at: and your registration number should be included at the end of the article summary.

Characteristics of the Section:

  • Attach cover page.
  • There are no limits on authors. At least one of the authors must have a minimum doctoral degree in progress.
  • Maximum 3,000 words (not including: abstract, tables, figures and bibliographic references).
  • Maximum 6 tables and / or figures.
  • Maximum: 30 references.

Case Reports

This section includes articles that report case reports of patients with rare diseases or infrequent or innovative interventions. For information on the guidelines to be followed in health research for this type of article, please acess:

Characteristics of the Section:

  • Attach cover page.
  • Texts with up to five authors are accepted and at least one of the authors must have a minimum doctoral degree in progress.
  • Maximum 2,000 words (not including: abstract, tables, figures and bibliographic references).
  • Maximum 4 tables and / or figures.
  • Maximum: 25 references.

Review Articles

It includes articles that make critical analyzes of the literature on a selected topic sent, spontaneously, by the authors. It has a descriptive-discursive character and is dedicated to a comprehensive presentation and discussion of topics of scientific interest in the field of different areas of health. For information on the guidelines to be followed in health research for this type of article, please acess: Scientia Medica also considers unsolicited review articles. Please contact [email protected] to submit an outline or script to the Editorial Board before submitting the full manuscript.

Characteristics of the Section:

  • Attach cover page.
  • Texts are accepted only by invitation, with up to five authors and at least one of the authors must have a minimum doctoral degree in progress.
  • Maximum 4,000 words (not including: abstract, tables, figures and bibliographic references).
  • Maximum 6 tables and / or figures.
  • Maximum: 50 references.

Education in Health Sciences

Includes original studies on health education and pedagogical innovation. It covers all areas of applications and basic and clinical research For information on the guidelines to be followed in health research for this type of article, visit: Review articles on the subject may be considered. Please contact [email protected] to submit an outline or script to the Editorial Board before submitting the full manuscript.

Charcateristics of the Section:

  • Attach cover page.
  • There are no limits on authors. At least one of the authors must have a minimum doctoral degree in progress.
  • Review texts will be accepted with up to three authors, with similar degrees, not less than a doctorate in progress.
  • Maximum 3,000 words (not including: abstract, tables, figures and bibliographic references).
  • Maximum 6 tables and / or figures.
  • Maximum: 30 references.

Simulation in Healthcare

Includes original studies on the use of simulated health training. It covers all areas of basic, clinical and translational research and applications in health simulation technology (clinical and biomedical specialties), in addition to training programs focused on safety and quality, development of educational and competence assessment standards, reports of experience in the use of simulation technology, virtual reality and epidemiological, molecular, pharmacological and disease modeling. Review articles on the subject may be considered. Please contact [email protected] to submit an outline or script to the Editorial Board before submitting the full manuscript. For information on the guidelines to be followed in health research for this type of article, visit:

Characteristics of the Section:

  • Attach cover page.
  • There are no author limits for original articles, and at least one of the authors must have a minimum doctoral degree in progress.
  • Review will be acceptedtexts with up to three authors, with similar degrees, not less than a doctorate in progress.
  • Maximum 3,000 words (not including: abstract, tables, figures and bibliographic references).
  • Maximum 6 tables and / or figures.
  • Maximum: 30 references.

Ethics in Health Care

The Ethics in Health Care section aims to promote the discussion of ethical and bioethical aspects in the processes involving health care. Research related to the beginning and end of life, spirituality in health, conflicts and dilemmas, both ethical and moral, the impact of institutions and their organizations on the care process, the training and moral and ethical development of health professionals, discussion of different models of care, as well as other aspects related to Ethics and Bioethics in various scenarios involving care will be accepted and evaluated for potential publication. The focus of this section is on original papers. Authors can submit review papers, case reports, and other formats, but only in exceptional situations will it be accepted.

Characteristics of the Section:

  • Attach cover page
  • Texts with up to 7 authors are accepted, if the number exceeds 7 authors, it must be justified in the letter to the editor for analysis.
  • Maximum of 6000 words between Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion (including tables). There is no maximum number of bibliographic references.
  • Articles must be unpublished and not, during the period of submission and review, forwarded to other journals or other forms of publication. If authors want to forward the article to another publication, request exclusion from the review process in that journal. Likewise, if the article was sent to another journal, do not send an appraisal at the same time.
  • The maximum number of Tables and Figures is 4. If it is necessary to use more, it must be justified.
  • Full texts in Portuguese or English are accepted.
  • The Abstract must be in Portuguese and English (Abstract).

Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

It includes articles that summarize the results of original, quantitative or qualitative studies, aiming to answer a specific question of relevance to health. It describes in detail the search process for the original studies, the criteria used to select those that were included in the review and the procedures used in the synthesis of the results obtained by the reviewed studies. For information on the guidelines to be followed in health research for this type of article, please acess: See MOOSE (checklist and flowchart for meta-analyzes and systematic reviews of observational studies) and PRISMA (checklist and flowchart for systematic reviews and meta-analyzes).

Characteristics of the Section:

  • Attach cover page.
  • Texts are accepted with up to five authors, with similar degrees, not less than a doctorate in progress.
  • Maximum 4,000 words (not including: abstract, tables, figures and bibliographic references).
  • Maximum 6 tables and / or figures.
  • Maximum: 50 references.

Privacy Statement

The names, email addresses and other personal data contained on this website will be used exclusively for the purposes of the magazine and will not be available for other purposes.