Internautes: Collective intelligence in the cyberculture


  • Martine Xiberras Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier



Internet, internautes, cyberculture


The cyberculture has now conquest the status of “hyper-culture”, developing itself in a postmodern environment. The Internautes have now a territory or a cyber space, a complex symbolic language, a collective sensibility and sociality, in the way of a “new type”, as Durkheim said of the “collective consciousness”. Therefore, despite the cognitive competencies involved, and the broadened consciousness of a “new type”, are the collective intelligence’s properties emerging? Trough the examples of collective tools of Internet, the question of “recognition” of Internautes’ community will be examined. Wikipedia, the encyclopaedic knowledge by the hand of all, claims the question of a “collective author”, or by “gathering”. FaceBook, Twitter, as social platforms, could be studied as a “collective mirror” to the community by itself?


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Author Biography

Martine Xiberras, Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier


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How to Cite

Xiberras, M. (2011). Internautes: Collective intelligence in the cyberculture. Revista FAMECOS, 17(3), 253–265.




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