Control, Flagrant and Pleasure: scopic and attentive regimes of the vigilance in the cities


  • Fernanda Bruno Federal University of Rio de Janeiro



Surveillance, pleasure, control


This paper examines the scopic and attentional regimes related to surveillance technologies and practices in contemporary cities. Such regimes involve not only control procedures, but also pleasure circuits, renovating the interplay between surveillance and spectacle in contemporary culture. Three fields of research will be prioritized: the incorporation of video surveillance into public and semi-public spaces, the production and distribution of amateur images and the cartographic information systems of visualization of urban space.


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Author Biography

Fernanda Bruno, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Professor at the School of Communication of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


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How to Cite

Bruno, F. (2009). Control, Flagrant and Pleasure: scopic and attentive regimes of the vigilance in the cities. Revista FAMECOS, 15(37), 45–53.



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