From hypermedia reports to Facebook feed

The process of post-reception circulation of messages about racism in Brazil




Hypermedia report, Mediatization, TAB


Among the journalistic genres, the report is the one with the greatest depth. When set on the internet, it becomes hypermedia and potentially more immersive. However, hypermedia reports are placed indoors, which causes their producers to distribute them on digital social networks. So how would the process of receiving and post-receiving such reports take place in such situations? To answer this question, we investigated the post-reception process from Facebook users’ messages about two videos taken from TAB’s hypermedia report. The methodology proposed by Braga (2006) was used for the analysis of the social response device, as well as two interviews, one in depth. The results indicate that the hyperdistribution of social networks amplifies the reach of messages, but there are inherent misunderstandings due to the existence of distinct reception subsystems sharing the same post-reception space.


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Author Biography

Liliane de Lucena Ito, Centro Universitário Sagrado Coração (UNISAGRADO), Bauru, SP, Brasil.

Doutora em Comunicação pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), em Bauru, SP, Brasil. Coordenadora e docente do curso de Jornalismo do Centro Universitário Sagrado Coração (Unisagrado), Bauru, SP, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Ito, L. de L. (2021). From hypermedia reports to Facebook feed: The process of post-reception circulation of messages about racism in Brazil. Revista FAMECOS, 27(1), e37546.


