The image of Christ in films

An idolatry case




Icon, Idol, Image of Christ


The philosopher Marie-José Mondzain, in her research on the contemporary imaginary, goes back to the second crisis of the Byzantine iconoclasm to rescue a common operative concept in the study of the images produced and disseminated in present times. We will start from this debate, synthesized in the opposition eikon / eidolon, to compare the image of Christ in two different religious films: “The King of Kings” (1927), by Cecil B. DeMille, and “King of Kings” (1961), by Nicholas Ray. Film analysis will help us reveal the way in which the two filmmakers envisaged the dilemma of idolatry: In DeMille’s film, in order to avoid an idolatrous representation of Jesus, it is used an excess of mediations, characterizing Him according to a previous iconographic imaginary; in Ray’s film, on the other hand, the representation of Christ seems to reflect – as an authentic product of its time – the image of an idolatrous society.


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Author Biography

Pedro de Andrade Lima Faissol, Universidade Estadual do Paraná (Unespar), Curitiba, PR, Brasil.

Professor colaborador do curso de Cinema e Audiovisual da Universidade Estadual do Paraná, em Curitiba, PR, Brasil. Doutor e Mestre em Meios e Processos Audiovisuais pela Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA/USP), em São Paulo, SP, Brasil.


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O REI dos Reis. Direção: Nicholas Ray. Roteiro: Philip Yordan. Produção: Samuel Bronston. Intérpretes: Jeffrey Hunter, Siobhan McKenna, Hurd Hatfield, Ron Randell, Viveca Lindfors e outros. Música: Miklós Rózsa. Hollywood: MGM, 1961. 168 min, sonoro, color., 35 mm.

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REI dos Reis. Direção: Cecil B. DeMille. Roteiro: Jeanie Macpherson. Produção: Cecil B. DeMille. Intérpretes: H.B. Warner, Dorothy Cumming, Ernest Torrence, Joseph Schildkraut, James Neill, Joseph Striker e outros. Música: silencioso. Hollywood: Pathé Exchange, 1927. 151 min, silencioso, color e PB, 35 mm.

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How to Cite

Faissol, P. de A. L. (2021). The image of Christ in films: An idolatry case. Revista FAMECOS, 27(1), e37184.