Telejournalism: hidden camera and other ethical dilemmas


  • Cristiane Finger Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul



Telejournalism, Journalistic Ethics, hidden camera


This article reflects on the (dis) ways that Brazilian telejournalism has taken with the use of so-called hidden cameras. Technological apparatus used to obtain, without the interviewees knowing, images and information that will be transmitted by the television stations to millions of people. A resource that endangers both the professional and the journalistic ethics, and that leaves in the background other techniques of calculation so precious to the exercise of the profession of informing.


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Author Biography

Cristiane Finger, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul

Professor at the Faculty of Social Communication of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul


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How to Cite

Finger, C. (2008). Telejournalism: hidden camera and other ethical dilemmas. Revista FAMECOS, 14(34), 74–77.



Television and Communication