Cinema and Politics: the representation of journalism and political marketing in Brazilian cinema


  • Lisandro Nogueira Federal University of Goiás



Cinema, journalism, marketing


The Brazilian cinema of the nineties seeks to diagnose the rapid changes that have occurred in the field of communication in this period. Lúcia Murat's film Candy Powers shows how Brazilian journalism, when subjected to political marketing and advertising, loses its role as a primary source of information and opens space for "news as a product." Although the film apparently aims to throw a critical eye on the situation of journalism of the nineties, the cinematic language and the narrative structure used in it undermine its intent, thus revealing the weaknesses and limitations of Brazilian cinema with political bias.


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Author Biography

Lisandro Nogueira, Federal University of Goiás

Professor of cinema at the Federal University of Goiás


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How to Cite

Nogueira, L. (2008). Cinema and Politics: the representation of journalism and political marketing in Brazilian cinema. Revista FAMECOS, 14(34), 14–21.



Cinema and Representation