Organizational communication and the communicational process: a dialogical perspective


  • André Guimarães University Center Methodist Izabela Hendrix
  • Sebastião Carlos de Moraes Squirra Methodist University of São Paulo



Epistemology of communication, Organizational communication, New technologies


The general objective was to analyze the phenomenon of organizational communication, framing it in the larger field of communication theories. It was sought to reflect on the interfaces of the phenomenon with the theories of communication, in a dialogical perspective, since these have been maintaining close relations for a long time, being present both in the mediatic processes and in the bosom of corporations.


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Author Biographies

André Guimarães, University Center Methodist Izabela Hendrix

He has a degree in Economic Sciences from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1995), a Masters in Communication from the Methodist University of São Paulo (2005) and a Masters in Information Systems Management from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (2000). PhD in Philosophy (Artificial Intelligence) by the Federal University of São Carlos. He has experience as an educational manager, having been Rector's Office Chief (UNIMEP), Undergraduate Course Coordinator (UNIMEP), Academic Vice-Rector (Izabela Hendrix); Director of the Faculty of Management and Business (UNIMEP), pro-dean of undergraduate and continuing education (UNIMEP) and pro-dean of postgraduate, research and extension (UNIMEP). Currently, it is linked to the Postgraduate Coordination of the Center for Training, Training and Improvement - Cefor of the Chamber of Deputies.

Sebastião Carlos de Moraes Squirra, Methodist University of São Paulo

Sebastião Carlos de Morais Squirra obtained his doctorate (1992) and the master's degree (1988) in Communication Sciences from the University of São Paulo. He has done postdoctoral studies in the USA and Spain (1995/96). He is currently a lecturer at the Methodist University of São Paulo, where he works in the Postgraduate Program in Communication (Master's and Doctorate), working on the Line of Research Technological Innovations of Contemporary Communication. He was Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program for 9 years, Director of the Faculty of Multimedia Communication for 8 years and Coordinator of the UMESP Radio and Television Course for three years.


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How to Cite

Guimarães, A., & Squirra, S. C. de M. (2008). Organizational communication and the communicational process: a dialogical perspective. Revista FAMECOS, 14(33), 46–52.



Communication Epistemology