A communicational genre: rumors and urban legends


  • Jean-Bruno Renard Paul Valéry University/Montpelier III




Imaginary, Mythology, Urban legends


In this article the author believes that remains necessary to analyze the rumor´s degree of actuality and to study the mechanisms of distortion of facts or factual information. For him, however, it is most important to understand how and why false news is spread and believed. Renard thinks that rumours and contemporary popular narratives are actually modern equivalents of ancient legends, all of them expressing social or symbolic thought.


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Author Biography

Jean-Bruno Renard, Paul Valéry University/Montpelier III

Jean-Bruno Renard, born in Paris in 1947, is Professor of Sociology at the Paul Valéry University (Montpellier III), member of the IRSA-CRI (Institute of Anthropology and Sociology Research) at LERSEM ( Laboratory of studies and research in sociology and ethnology of Montpellier). His work focuses on popular culture, fantastic beliefs, rumors and contemporary legends. He is the author of The Extraterrestrial.


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How to Cite

Renard, J.-B. (2008). A communicational genre: rumors and urban legends. Revista FAMECOS, 14(32), 97–104. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-3729.2007.32.3421



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