Journalists, television and other media in the cinema


  • Cláudio Cardoso de Paiva Federal University of Paraíba



Movies, Ethics, Journalists


We target the power of influence of professionals of the Press and mainly the way they use and abuse this influence in their social relations plots. Hence, we are faced in the field of Ethics and Communications. We propose an investigation on the way media professionals exercise their power of (information) influence. However, we have to admit that journalists are part of a much more complex field that includes radio, television and other media. Therefore, we are looking to update the focus of the various ways of communication under the movie lens, since its epistolar communication as well as radio, photography, telephone and television.


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Author Biography

Cláudio Cardoso de Paiva, Federal University of Paraíba

He holds a degree in Social Communication from the Federal University of Paraíba (1984), a master's degree in Communication from the University of Brasília (1988), a Master's degree in Social Sciences - Université de Paris V (Rene Descartes) (1991) and PhD in Social Sciences - Universite de Paris V (Rene Descartes) (1995). Currently Associate Professor II, Department of Communication, Center of Communication, Tourism and Arts (CCTA); Graduate Program in Communication; Professional Master in Journalism; Federal University of Paraiba.


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How to Cite

Paiva, C. C. de. (2008). Journalists, television and other media in the cinema. Revista FAMECOS, 14(32), 89–96.



Mediation between newspapers and other media