Memes in weblogs: proposal of a taxonomy


  • Raquel da Cunha Recuero da Cunha Recuero Catholic University of Pelotas



Meme, Taxonomy, Weblogs


The following article proposes a taxonomy for memes in weblogs, based on the systematic field observation. After the proposal, there is a discussion about how the characteristics of thoses memes and how they generate different impacts and dynamics in the weblogs social networks.


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Author Biography

Raquel da Cunha Recuero da Cunha Recuero, Catholic University of Pelotas

She holds a PhD in Communication and Information from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2006), a master's degree in Communication and Information from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2002), a graduate degree in Social Communicatio - Journalism from Catholic University of Pelotas 1998) and a Law degree from the Federal University of Pelotas (1999). She is a professor and a researcher in Social Communication - Journalism and Advertising and Propaganda Studies - and in the Postgraduate Program in Literature, with concentration in Applied Linguistics at the Catholic University of Pelotas (UCPel). She is also a researcher of the Post Graduation in Communication from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), and member of the editorial staff of several journals.


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How to Cite

Recuero, R. da C. R. da C. (2008). Memes in weblogs: proposal of a taxonomy. Revista FAMECOS, 14(32), 23–31.



Connections in media networks