Machines of seeing, ways of being: visibility and subjectivity in the new information and communication technologies


  • Fernanda Bruno Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Subjectivity, Technologies, Communication


The present article talks about the relation between subjectivity and visibility that gains new contours with the contemporary communicational technologies. Such technologies participate in a transformation in the way individuals construct themselves and modulate their identity from the relationship with the other, more specifically with the 'look' of the other.


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Author Biography

Fernanda Bruno, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Adjunct Professor at Institute of Psychology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Coordinator of CiberIDEA / ECO / UFRJ and Researcher of the IDEA / ECO / UFRJ Program.


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How to Cite

Bruno, F. (2008). Machines of seeing, ways of being: visibility and subjectivity in the new information and communication technologies. Revista FAMECOS, 11(24), 110–124.



Dossier partnership in research groups: PUCRS / UFRJ / UERJ