Hypertext Cooperative: a Writing analysis Collective from Of Blogs and Wikipédia1


  • Alex Fernando Teixeira Primo .
  • Raquel da da Cunha Recuero Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul




Colective writing, Cooperative hypertext, Blogs


This paper intends to analize and to discuss the characteristics of colective writing as found in cooperative hypertexts. From there, it goes on to analize recent web developments, namely blogs and wikipaedias, and their role in constructing a “live web”, written and connected by the internauts themselves.


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Author Biographies

Alex Fernando Teixeira Primo, .

Doutor em Informática na Educação (PGIE/UFRGS)
Professor da FABICO/UFRGS

Raquel da da Cunha Recuero, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Doutoranda Comunic. e Informação (PGCOM/UFRGS)
Professora da ECOS/UCPEL


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How to Cite

Primo, A. F. T., & Recuero, R. da da C. (2008). Hypertext Cooperative: a Writing analysis Collective from Of Blogs and Wikipédia1. Revista FAMECOS, 10(22), 54–65. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-3729.2003.22.3235


