Digital Narratives and Circular Structures


  • Raquel Ritter Longhi Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Narrative, Digital art, Creativity


This article analyses literary narratives and poetry created by and disseminated through digital means. Some characteristics of this kind of work are hybridization and non- linear narratives. The author also analyses the concept of circular structure deployed by the new narratives, regarding that as a fundamental element in their ideation. She looks for, through Concrete Poetry, the main paradigm influencing literary practice in the digital enviroment, closely examining its relationship with ideas developed earlier by theoretical concretists about the circle and the ideogram.


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Author Biography

Raquel Ritter Longhi, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Master in Communication and Information in Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


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How to Cite

Ritter Longhi, R. (2008). Digital Narratives and Circular Structures. Revista FAMECOS, 8(14), 84–90.



New Technologies