Playing in Minecraft: an exploratory study


  • Arlete dos Santos Petry Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte



Video Games. Immaterial labour. Entertainment.


Departing on a review of the literature, this article discusses, grounded on critical theory, the overlap and the boundaries between play/entertainment and work/learning concerning to digital games. In addition, it tries to find what is core in the distinction between play as entertainment and play as work. The review shows a dissent, understanding the phenomenon either as a sort of work, or as a voluntary choice for entertainment, or as a phenomenon on which the boundaries between work and entertainment are blurred. Differently from the mentioned researches, whose data were obtained with adults and young people, this empirical study was carried out with children, being also a unique work with so young people in this very complex question. Being a first approach and occurring with a small number of children, the research was set up as an exploratory study using participant observation and interviewing for the data collection, and discourse analysis and Likert scale for the discussion of outcomes.


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Author Biography

Arlete dos Santos Petry, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Professora adjunta do Departamento de Artes da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte-UFRN e professora permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inovação em Tecnologias Educacionais no Instituto Metrópole Digital-UFRN.

Doutora em Comunicação e Semiótica pela PUC-SP (2010) tendo pesquisado os temas Jogo, Autoria, Produção de Conhecimento e Jogos Digitais. Durante seu pós-doutorado, com apoio da FAPESP, esteve na Universidade de Toronto na condição de Visiting Scholar e como Professora Visitante no Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Comunicação da ECA-USP.

Autora de Jogo, Autoria e Conhecimento: fundamentos para uma compreensão dos Games (Paco Ed.). Co-autora de Jogo, Arte e Educação (Ed.UDESC).


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How to Cite

Petry, A. dos S. (2018). Playing in Minecraft: an exploratory study. Revista FAMECOS, 25(1), ID27156.


