Into the interstices of changing western societies, what kind of community contemporary sexual plural parceria concerns?


  • Philippe Combessie Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense



Sexual Communism, Communication, Community


Political struggles today are marked by people who claim a particular sexual orientation. If they can obtain recognition for their individual rights from guidelines that are developed within the framework of a circumscribed sexuality at the center of a relationship dyadic, it goes otherwise with regard to collective sexual practices, that appear to remain on the dark. In Inuit societies where such practices were still common in the early 20th century, Mauss developed the concept of sexual communism. This concept applies to relationships that take place between the practitioners of these forms of unorthodox sexuality. The analysis of the modalities under which its members are and keeps or not their relationship, allows at least understand the issues, the limits and margins of maneuver around such practices and to ask to what extent these results the establishment of a form of community.


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Author Biography

Philippe Combessie, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense

Professor Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, Doutor em Sociologia (Paris 8) e Membro do Conseil Scientifique du GIP (CNRS-Ministère de la Justice) e Diretor do Sophiapol (EA3932) - Laboratório de Sociologia, Filosofia e Antropologia Política.


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How to Cite

Combessie, P. (2015). Into the interstices of changing western societies, what kind of community contemporary sexual plural parceria concerns?. Revista FAMECOS, 22(4), 207–222.


