Mediatized controversies in Twitter during live television: the “exoskeleton” network in the 2014 FIFA World Cup opening ceremony




Communication, Twitter, World Cup


This paper discusses the emergency of retweets networks motivated by live TV transmissions. Based in Actor-Network Theory, the paper considers networks as result of assemblages and agencies that must be analysed in a temporal way, in opposition to a structuralist approach. It’s also discussed how the debates on Twitter reconfigures previous sociotechnical controversies as well as how the mediatization of these controversies alters the methods used to study them. The case study is based in a dataset of 25.115 retweets collected in Twitter about the demonstration of an exoskeleton during 2014 FIFA World Cup opening ceremony. Two methodological approaches are proposed to analyse the subject of the debates and to show in a video and graphs how the RTs networks changed during the transmission.


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Author Biography

Carlos Frederico de Brito d'Andréa, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação Social (PPGCOM) e do Departamento de Comunicação (DCS) FAFICH/Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Doutor em Estudos Linguísticos (PosLin/UFMG) e mestre em Ciência da Informação (PPGCI/UFMG).


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How to Cite

d’Andréa, C. F. de B. (2016). Mediatized controversies in Twitter during live television: the “exoskeleton” network in the 2014 FIFA World Cup opening ceremony. Revista FAMECOS, 23(2), ID21106.


