The rhetoric studies in journalism and communication: the political potential of the rhetorical criticism


  • Geder Parzianello Universidade Federal do Pampa



Rhetorics. Social Communication. Journalism.


Communication studies are debtors of the rhetorical tradition. The heterogeneity of paradigms constitutes the diversity of methods of an unorthodox and interdisciplinary field. Rhetorical studies had no recognition for investigative dimensions of the new questions that go back to old issues in communication research. This paper examines the argument for such redemption that is due to the social communication and rhetoric; it provides, through qualitative methodology and bibliographical research, findings toward a communication research that demands new theoretical areas in Brazil and beyond our borders.


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Author Biography

Geder Parzianello, Universidade Federal do Pampa

Pós-doutor em estudos midiáticos pela Universidade Paderbon na Renânia do Norte, Alemanha. Doutor em Comunicação Social pela PUCRS e Mestre em Comunicação e Informação pela Ufrgs. Atualmente professor Adjunto IV da Universidade Federal do Pampa (Unipampa) no RS.


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How to Cite

Parzianello, G. (2014). The rhetoric studies in journalism and communication: the political potential of the rhetorical criticism. Revista FAMECOS, 21(2), 504–517.


