The MacBride Report and the Genesis of the international debate upon the unequal exchanges in communication industries


  • João Martins Ladeira UNISINOS



Citizenships studies, Democratization of communication, Political economy of communication, Structuration theory


Towards a dialogue between the studies of citizenship, the political economy of communication and the structuration theory, this article analysis the arguments through which have been constituted an intense international attention to the idea of democratization of communication and unequal exchanges in cultural industries. During the 70s, that subject conquered the agenda of debates, producing, as its apex, the MacBride Report. This article concentrates at this text. It interprets those arguments as an attempt to define development as a problem far-reaching the technical or economic sphere, turning itself as the defense of a right. It analysis the construction of such vision, with emphasis at the appropriation of the principle of equality intrinsic to citizenship as a resource oriented towards the legitimating of this idea.


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How to Cite

Ladeira, J. M. (2013). The MacBride Report and the Genesis of the international debate upon the unequal exchanges in communication industries. Revista FAMECOS, 19(3), 666–680.



Communication Science