A new way of watching TV on the couch or anywhere


  • Cristiane Finger PUCRS
  • Fábio Canatta de Souza PUCRS




Television news, convergence, second screen


The present work is a reflection on the new ways of watching television from the convergence with the Internet, the availability of television content in new media and mobile and portable use of the second screen as evidence that the social ties built by this media, no longer unconscious and quiet. Thus, the receiver starts to interact effectively with the producers. The hypothesis raised is that convergence is a space that goes beyond the question of technology and that adjustments to the content in their genres, formats and languages must be made from the use and not otherwise. For the analysis of these phenomena will be used the concepts of crossmedia, transmedia and the second screen, this way it is intended to rethink the TV news as an audiovisual journalism that can meet the new demands.


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How to Cite

Finger, C., & de Souza, F. C. (2012). A new way of watching TV on the couch or anywhere. Revista FAMECOS, 19(2), 373–389. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-3729.2012.2.12320



Media and Culture