Body, orality and literacy in the contemporary city: material supports and symbolic constructions


  • José Cardoso Ferrão Neto UERJ



Body, orality, literacy


This article is a reflection on body as a material support for the media and the modes of communication and its insertion into urban landscape. From a field work based on participant observation of the presence of man and their media in one of the most bustling streets of contemporary downtown Rio de Janeiro, social practices and representations are unveiled, related to different information processing regimes, orality and literacy. The public performances, where material and symbolic interchange takes place, still reveal the organic relation between the body and its technologies that extend the senses and build up rich and varied remediation webs of time, space and memory.


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How to Cite

Neto, J. C. F. (2012). Body, orality and literacy in the contemporary city: material supports and symbolic constructions. Revista FAMECOS, 19(1), 264–279.


