Interactions in photo-sharing environments: considerations based on interactionist and dramaturgical perspectives


  • José Carlos Ribeiro UFBA
  • Vitor Braga UFBA



Interactions, social network sites, photo-sharing


This article examines the interactions observed in online photosharing environments. The discussions are focused on the analysis in the performance exercise and the construction of meanings for users, as well as the examination of the interrelationship between the interactional dynamics commonly observed in these environments and the identity references that can be used. For doing this, we chose the interactionist and dramaturgical perspectives as theoretical frameworks to support the proposed discussions.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, J. C., & Braga, V. (2012). Interactions in photo-sharing environments: considerations based on interactionist and dramaturgical perspectives. Revista FAMECOS, 19(1), 65–82.


