Genetics of aging and its impact on human longevity: theories and evidences that helps to prevent age-associated diseases


  • Ivana Beatrice Mânica da Cruz Federal University of Santa Maria



Genetics. Longevity. Aging.


Biogerontological studies about the factors that affect the human longevity and suscessful aging are highly relevant. Therefore, here this paper I review and coment some questions about currently aging theories, the existence (or not) of “longevity genes” and main genetics mechanisms potentially involved in aging and lifespan. From this review I also will consider the impact environment on genetic and epigenetic factors on human aging, health and longevity.


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How to Cite

Cruz, I. B. M. da. (2015). Genetics of aging and its impact on human longevity: theories and evidences that helps to prevent age-associated diseases. PAJAR - Pan American Journal of Aging Research, 2(1), 3–14.



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