Des-cubrindo la locura mental urbana: la fotografía de asilo de Claudio Edinger



Palabras clave:

Edinger, Claudio, asilos mentales en la fotografía, Jaqueri, hospital mental (São Paulo).


La enfermedad metanl es un componente inapelable de la vida urbana. El fotógrafo Claudio Edinger dedica uno de sus principales fotolibros al estudio
del asilo mental de São Paulo, Jaqueri. Este ensayo analiza las estrategias de su escrutinio analítico de los pacientes mentales, con referencia a
asuntos éticos que se relacionan al mismo. De particular interés, necesariamente, es el énfasis en el cuerpo y en su válida representación fotográfica.


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Biografía del autor/a

David William Foster, Arizona State University, School of International Letters and Cultures, Tempe, Arizona, The United States of America.

Regent Professor of Spanish and women and gender studies at Arizona State University. He has written extensively on Argentine narrative and theater, and he has held Fulbright teaching appointments in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. He has also served as an Inter-American Development Bank professor in Chile. Foster has held visiting appointments at
Fresno State College, Vanderbilt University, University of California-Los Angeles, University of California- Riverside, and Florida International University. He has conducted six seminars for teachers under the auspices of the National Endowment for the Humanities, the most recent in São Paulo in summer 2013.


EDINGER, Claudio. Cityscapes. São Paulo: Dórea Books and Art, 2001.

EDINGER, Claudio. Claudio Edinger. São Paulo: DBA; New York: Umbrage Editions, 2006.

EDINGER, Claudio. Chelsea Hotel. Photographs by Claudio Edinger. Introduction by Pete Hamill. New York: Abbeville Press, 1983.

EDINGER, Claudio. Madness: Photographs. New York: DBA, 1997.

EDINGER, Claudio. São Paulo: minha estranha cidade linda. Fotografias de Claudio Edinger; textos de Diógenes Moura e Ernie NItzberg. São Paulo: DBA, 2008.

EDINGER, Claudio; CAVALCANTI, Pedro Rodrigues de Albuquerque. São Paulo: construção da cidade. São Paulo: Abooks, 1999.

ELTIT, Diamela; ERRÁZURIZ, Paz. El infarto del alma. 1994.

Santiago de Chile: Hueders, 2017.

Facio, Sara, and Alicia D’Amico. Humanario. Buenos Aires: La Azotea, 1976.

FOSTER, David William. “La Grande Patria in Lower Case: Eduardo Gil’s Photography in (a)rgentina.” In: FOSTER, David William. Urban Photography in Argentina: Nine Artists of the Post-Dictatorship Era. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland Publishing, 2007. 55-76.

FOSTER, David William. “Love, Passion, Metropolitan Outcasts, and Solidarity at Putaendo: Diamela Eltit and Paz Errazuriz's El infarto del alma.” Latin American Urban Cultural Production. Ed. David William Foster. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Hispanic Issues, 2008. 153-78. online: http://spanport.cla.umn/publications/HispanicIssues/On-line_2008.html

FOSTER, David William. “Sara Facio as Urban Photographer.” In: FOSTER, David William. Buenos Aires: Perspectives on the City and Cultural Production. Austin: U of Texas P, 1998. 170-94.

FOUCAULT, Michel. Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason. Trans. Richard Howard. New York: Vintage Books, 1973.

FRY, Peter. Para inglês ver: identidade e política na cultura brasileira. Rio de Janeiro: Azahar Editores, 1982.

GIL, Eduardo. (a)rgentina. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Cuarto 14, 2002.

PERSICHETTI, Simonetta. “Dançando com a luz.” In: EDINGER, Claudia; Claudio Edinger. São Paulo: DBA; New York: Umbrage Editions, 2006.

POMPEU, Renato. Memórias da loucura. São Paulo: Alfa-Omega, 1983.

SAKAGUCHI, Douglas Sherer; SAKAGUCHI, João Fernando. “History Unveiled in Juquery: Intramural Psychiatric Care in the Civic-Military Dictatorship.” Acta Paulista de Enfermagem 29.4 (2016). Online access December 17, 2017.

SONTAG, Susan. Regarding the Pain of Others. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003.

TREVISAN, João Silvério. Devassos no paraíso: a homosexualidade no Brasil, da colônia à atualidade. 5ª ed. rev. e ampl. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Record, 2002.

WINOGRAD, Gary. Garry Winogrand. Ed. Leo Rubinfien. New Haven, Conn.: San Francisco Museum of Art in association with Yale University Press, 2013.

WITKIN, Joel-Peter. The Bone House. Santa Fe, N.M.: Twin Palm Publishers, 2000.




Cómo citar

Foster, D. W. (2019). Des-cubrindo la locura mental urbana: la fotografía de asilo de Claudio Edinger. Letrônica, 12(3), e35337.