Three timings for theories


  • Ana Cláudia Munari PUCRS


História da Literatura, cânone teórico, teorias alemãs


In 1996, Heidrun Krieger Olinto collects some articles about new ways of writing Literature History, which she calls "new German theories". Which theoretical canon is this one, that intends to highlight a new way of thinking studies on historiographic writing? This article analyses such theories under a new paradigm - the fall of the Berlin Wall and the transformations occurred since the passage from a imanentistic text configuration to a Reception Aesthetics based conception - and under a new perspective over past, not totalitarian, but fragmented. Next, it seeks in the most recent studies, organized by Maria Eunice Moreira in the book Histórias da literatura: teorias, temas e autores, parameters to find new theories on literature history, already previewed by Olinto.


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Author Biography

Ana Cláudia Munari, PUCRS

Doutoranda em Teoria da Literatura, PPGL, PUCRS. Bolsista CAPES.



How to Cite

Munari, A. C. (2009). Three timings for theories. Letrônica, 2(2), 117–126. Retrieved from