The role of bilingualism and schooling in the linguistic-cognitive performance of long-lived elders


  • Sabrine Amaral Martins Universidade Católica de Pelotas
  • Márcia Zimmer Universidade Católica de Pelotas


Longevidade, Bilingüismo, Vantagens, Cognitivas.


This paper aims to investigate cognitive advantages in executive functions of older bilinguals and older monolinguals’ performance at the Mini-mental State Exam and at the Simon Task. This research was carried out with 8 participants, 5 women and 3 men in the age group ranging from 75 to 86 years old, half of which are bilingual and the other part monolingual. Differences were found in MEEM scores and the results indicate there is also an advantageous distinction between bilinguals` and monolinguals` performance considering the results of the Simon Task. Such results, taken together, suggest that elderly bilingual have cognitive advantages in non-verbal tasks in comparison to elderly monolinguals. This investigation contributes with research on cognitive advantages of bilingualism in non-verbal tasks, which is a recent trend in Brazil.


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Author Biography

Sabrine Amaral Martins, Universidade Católica de Pelotas

Comecei a gostar de linguística já na graduação, na FURG. Sempre trabalhei com a língua Inglesa também, então decidi entrar no mestrado em linguística aplicada podendo aliar ambas categorias. Lá, fui apresentada à pontos mais profundos da psicolinguística e me apaixonei. Hoje, volto meus estudos para as áreas de bilinguismo e seus benefícios cognitivos - principalmente entre idosos, o qual é o foco da minha dissertação.



How to Cite

Martins, S. A., & Zimmer, M. (2009). The role of bilingualism and schooling in the linguistic-cognitive performance of long-lived elders. Letrônica, 2(1), 212–230. Retrieved from