It’s black’s work... Emergence and insurgency in the fight against racism for the resignification of discourse




Racism, Resignification, Discursive formation


This article focuses on defending the redefinition of discourse as one of the fronts of insurgency and updating the fight against racism. To fulfill this intent, the names of two pages of the social network Instagram are analyzed, which are resignifications of crystallized racist expressions. This path will be guided by Achille Mbembe (2018), Abdias Nascimento (2016) and Beatriz Nascimento (2018), regarding issues related to racism and black people. The treatment of discursive questions is based on the concepts of discursive formation (FOUCAULT, 2016), discursive practice developed by Dominique Maingueneau (1997; 2008) and intervention-language defended by Décio Rocha (2006; 2014). With this, it will be possible to show that the relationship between language and history is always updated and provides constructions of other worlds and other possibilities of society.


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Author Biography

Tatiana Jardim Gonçalves, Secretaria Estadual de Educação (Seeduc/RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.

Doutora em Letras, com especialidade em Linguística pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), no Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil; mestre em Estudos de Linguagem, com especialidade em Linguística, pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), em Niterói, RJ, Brasil; professora da Rede Estadual de Educação do Rio de Janeiro (Seeduc/RJ), no Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, T. J. (2021). It’s black’s work. Emergence and insurgency in the fight against racism for the resignification of discourse. Letrônica, 14(4), e39761.