Photography and representation in the novel The map and the territory by Michel Houellebecq




map, photography, representation, literature, territory.


The purpose of this research is to approach various subject matter about photography and representation that arise in the novel The Map and the
Territory by the french writer Michel Houellebecq. The analysis will circulate through four axes: the first will examine the relationship between
the different types of visual representations that appear in that text, then analyze the existing photographic views in the novel, we will continue to
understand the interest in the protagonist’s maps as a kind of punctum and we will end by deepening the relationship between the death of a loved
one with the map and the photograph.


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Author Biography

Maria Cristina Baranlloni Lagos, Universidad de Valparaíso, Escuela de Deseño, Valparaíso

Diseñadora Gráfica con más de 10 años de experiencia tanto en el ámbito institucional como en el ejercicio independiente de la profesión. Mi ámbito de trabajo son la comunicación corporativa, marketing institucional y editorial. Me interesan la comunicación visual, fotografía, cultura visual, diseño de información y museografía. Actualmente estoy finalizando la
cursada de la Maestría en Diseño Comunicacional, diCom, en la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.


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How to Cite

Baranlloni Lagos, M. C. (2019). Photography and representation in the novel The map and the territory by Michel Houellebecq. Letrônica, 12(3), e34991.