The encyclopedic vision of semantic frames




Frames. Electronic Lexicography. Semantics.


This study aims at discussing the encyclopedic nature of semantic frames and their role in lexicographic practice. In theoretical terms, we try to understand the vision of Charles Fillmore (1982, 1992) with the proposition of Frames Semantics, as well as to seek in Cognitive Linguistics its principles. In applied terms, we focused on the interface between Frames Semantic and Lexicography and presented, in the sequence, two case studies, both highlighting the encyclopedic vision of the frames and their relevance to the lexicographic practice. We emphasize, finally, the occupation of a specific niche of research, as we return only to the semantic frames. It is noteworthy that other topics of Cognitive Semantics also have their relevance for lexicography.


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Author Biography

Rove Chishman, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada, São Leopoldo, RS, Brasil

Doutora em Linguística Aplicada pela PUCRS, professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada e do curso de Letras da Unisinos e bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPq.


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How to Cite

Chishman, R. (2019). The encyclopedic vision of semantic frames. Letrônica, 12(2), e34139.