General-domain process: evidence in instantiations of transitive construction


  • Nedja Lima de Lucena Marinha do Brasil



General-domain process, Transitive construction, Construction grammar.


This article examines general-domain processes which are linked to the linguistic usage, more precisely to the discursive manifestation of a type of argumentative structure: the transitive construction. Its goal is to discuss evidences of the actuation of those processes in the instantiations of such construction from the exam of empiric data derived from real communicative situations. The piece anchors itself in the theoretical presumptions of usage-based linguistics, which shelters the conception that languages are molded on the complex interaction of cognitive and functional principles. These play a basilar role in the manifestation of linguistic phenomena. Aligned with that theoretical bias, this article adopts the perspective of construction grammar in analysis. It is clearly seen that the general-domain process linked with experience, motivates the expression of instantiations of transitive construction which move away from the prototype member, but that, by analogy, are taken similarly. The linguistic patterns are seen as consequence of the action of such cognitive processes and, that, as we observe them, we are situating the language in an ample context of human behavior.


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Author Biography

Nedja Lima de Lucena, Marinha do Brasil

Doutora em Estudos da Linguagem - Linguística.

Professora do Corpo de Magistério da Marinha do Brasil


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How to Cite

de Lucena, N. L. (2018). General-domain process: evidence in instantiations of transitive construction. Letrônica, 10(2), 567–581.