The Kaspar Hauser's language acquisition enigma under the gerativism perspective




Language acquisition, Language competence, Linguistic performance, Generative Grammar.


This article relates the history of the linguistic behavior of the protagonist of the film The Kaspar Hauser's enigma (1974), of the German director, the phenomena of language acquisition and the innate linguistic competence, postulated by gerativism and investigates how they are revealed in the commission of a speaker who later acquired the verbal language. The Generative Theory postulates the existence of a language acquisition device with h the individual is born and which, in contact with a natural language, generates the language of grammar that is exposed, developing communication skills. The present work is a fictional analysis in the form of a case study, of the descriptive and exploratory type, of qualitative character. This fictional analysis, related to gerativism, corroborates the idea that it is possible for someone who has been out of touch with other humans, such as Kaspar, to develop verbal language, although late, but that some limitations, especially related to abstract thinking that makes possible the comprehension of the representativeness of the linguistic signs.


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Author Biographies

Margarete G. M. de Carvalho, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina

Coordenadoria Pedagógica - Técnica em Assuntos Educacionais

Carmem Elisabete de Oliveira, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul

Departamento de Letras Português Espanhol

Docente de Libras


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How to Cite

de Carvalho, M. G. M., & de Oliveira, C. E. (2018). The Kaspar Hauser’s language acquisition enigma under the gerativism perspective. Letrônica, 10(2), 634–643.