The imaginary of the night related to women – night emanations in "O colar de coral"


  • Lílian Almeida de Oliveira Lima Universidade do Estado da Bahia


literatura brasileira, imaginário, gênero


This article is an interpretation of O colar de coral, the third part of the book A casa e as casas by the prose writer Helene Parente Cunha. Using the system of the imaginary of the night, established by Gilbert Durand, we interpret this texts centered on cyclical dominance, specifically from an integrative perspective. The images of the sea, the moon and the whole fabric of the narrative are analyzed to confirm the presence of cyclical dominance in the night regime and of the integrative perspective, through the relationship between man and woman and the environment that surrounds them.


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Author Biography

Lílian Almeida de Oliveira Lima, Universidade do Estado da Bahia

Professora na Universidade do Estado da Bahia, campus XXI - Ipiaú, Departamento de Ciências Humanas e Tecnologias, doutoranda pela PUC-RS.



How to Cite

Lima, L. A. de O. (2012). The imaginary of the night related to women – night emanations in "O colar de coral". Letrônica, 5(2), 288–298. Retrieved from