Philosophical Exercises in Epictetus


  • Diogo da Luz PUCRS



Epictetus, Exercise, Áskēsis, Desire, Proaíresis


This article deals with Epictetus' thought through the exercise bias (áskēsis), that is, through the perfectioning practices of those who choose the office of philosophy. In order to do so, we first clarified what exercises in ancient philosophy mean, based on the theses of Pierre Hadot. Continuing, we explore six exercises considered central to the philosopher of Nicopolis, contextualizing with the teachings involved and describing the main characteristics of his method. Finally, we argue that the importance of this article lies in clarifying the áskēsis in Epictetus in order to avoid possible anachronisms.


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Author Biography

Diogo da Luz, PUCRS

Mestre em Filosofia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa Pórtico de Epicteto e coeditor da Revista Pórtico de Epicteto - .


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How to Cite

da Luz, D. (2018). Philosophical Exercises in Epictetus. Intuitio, 11(2), 17–33.