History of the Present Time, the Shoah and paratranslation

The process of constructing narratives about the genocide





present time, Holocaust, paratranslation, genocides


This paper aims to study the relationship between the history of the present, Holocaust studies and paratranslation, as well as to prove how the different analysis carried out by investigations about genocides have considered these fields of study. Through a bibliographic perspective and having gathered several papers throughout the second half of the 20th and 21st centuries, our standpoints have focused on finding the historical relationship between the mentioned fields, highlighting the difficulties that each of them has had to emerge in time and space in terms of categories and concepts. In addition to the presentation of paratranslation as a multi-perspective approach, our goal has been to understand how a concept commonly associated with the linguistics field is connected to the history of the present and how both fields are interrelated with studies about the Shoah that, in a certain way, have been linked to the beginnings of these two approaches.


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Author Biographies

Karl Schurster, Universidade de Vigo

Postdoctoral in History at the Free University of Berlin, in Berlin, Germany; and by the University of Porto (UPorto), in Oporto, Portugal. teacher of University of Vigo (UVigo) and researcher of the group TI4 Translation and Para-translation (T&P) of the same University protected by the María Zambrano de International Talent 2021. Free History Teacher from the University of Pernambuco, in Recife, Brazil. Winner of the 2014 Jabuti Award and author of several specialized books and articles on studies on Fascism and the Holocaust.

Óscar Ferreiro-Vázquez, College of Vigo

PhD and Extraordinary PhD Award from the University of Vigo (UVigo), in Vigo, Spain. Teacher of Translation and Interpreting and member of the Group research project TI4 Translation and Paratranslation (T&P) from the same university. Coordinator of the Master in Translation for International Communication -Master Excellent University of the Xunta de Galicia- and director of the Title of Specialist in Translation for the Video Game Industry (ETIV).


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How to Cite

Schurster, K., & Ferreiro-Vázquez, Óscar. (2023). History of the Present Time, the Shoah and paratranslation: The process of constructing narratives about the genocide. Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 49(1), e43357. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-864X.2023.1.43357



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