The National Paper and Type Co. and the Pan American business (1900-1930)




public sphere, transnationalism, press, pan-Americanism, business


This work addresses the history of Pan-Americanism focusing on a particular case: the commercial activities and the advertising discourse of the American company called the National Paper and Type Co. This  company monopolized the exports market for printing machinery and products mainly paper and ink manufactured in the United States for distribution throughout Latin America. It was the main supplier of the raw materials with which the most prominent newspapers in the region were printed. While dominating this market, this company built the scaffolding structure of the public sphere. Was an active disseminator of the Pan-American discourse that took the opportunity to secure customers, promote a business culture in Latin America typical of Anglo-Saxon society and promoted a mentality that encouraged consumption. The kind of Pan-Americanism that manipulated this company promoted a very important discourse prone to the appreciation of Latin America and strengthened the links proposed by that utopia of proximity that imagined a united Pan-America. This commercial and cultural intermediary built a communication bridge that would contribute to the strengthening of a transnational public sphere.


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Author Biography

Ana Maria Serna, Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora (Instituto Mora), Ciudad de México, México

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How to Cite

Serna, A. M. (2020). The National Paper and Type Co. and the Pan American business (1900-1930). Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 46(3), e36434.



Pan-americanismo: novos olhares sobre as relações continentais