Analyzing Historical Photographs: Genres, Functions, and Methodologies




historical phootographs, photojournalism, genres.


This article employs the concepts of genre and function as a contribution toward developing methodologies for analyzing photographs from a historian’s perspective. The genre of photojournalism is examined in terms of the different functions carried out by what are defined as press photography, photojournalism, photoessays, and documentalism. It indicates that the misunderstandings generated by practitioners of the genre are a product of thinking that the rules of one function apply to the entire genre. It is hypothesized that historical analysis may be facilitated by establishing photographic genres, and distinguishing between the different functions therein.


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Author Biography

John Mraz, Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

National Researcher III


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How to Cite

Mraz, J. (2018). Analyzing Historical Photographs: Genres, Functions, and Methodologies. Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 44(1), 6–16.



Dossier - Photography, visual culture and history: theoretical and methodological perspectives