Eu, Ota, rio de Hiroshima o dia que virou noite, de Jean-Paul Alègre

editorial mediation and the young reader’s approach to contemporary dramaturgy




reading of dramaturgy, scenic text or headings, imaginary stage, I, Ota, Hiroshima River; Jean-Paul Alègre.


In the article, the dramaturgical text: Eu, Ota, rio de Hiroshima: o dia que virou noite, written by the French Jean-Paul Alègre, published in Brazil in 2020, is investigated and, through bibliographical research with a qualitative approach, theoretical considerations of its theme are approached, as well as its structure, considering the dramatic genre. In the first part, the play is placed in dialogue with assumptions by Walter Benjamin (1985) about the need to make a counterpoint to the historicist discourse, in addition to briefly discussing aspects related to literary reading and youth through studies of Michèle Petit (2013), Freddy

Gonçalves da Silva (2021) and Sara Bertrand (2021). The second part, considering the broad scope of dramaturgy, starts with the history of books in the interface with reading, observing Roger Chartier’s coordinates (2002) in dialogue with the assumptions about the imaginary stage, a specific theme of reading dramaturgy, here approached by Jean-Pierre Ryngaert (1996, 2013). In the case of the text under analysis, the headings play a decisive role and are analyzed by Patrice Pavis (2007), Anatol Rosenfeld (2002), and Marta Morais da Costa (2016). In the end, it is attested that, in the case of the text under analysis, the printed support accounts for the structure of dramaturgy, which places the headings and dialogues in symbiosis, it makes possible to architect the scenes on the imagined stage, in a continuous stimulus to the updating of the scenes in this space dear to dramaturgy. Furthermore, it is commendable how the scenic text, that is, the headings, works in favor of the construction of the aforementioned stage, so as not to sabotage the structure of the dramaturgy, but assuming it in a broad and even complex way, making the reader, for through it, arrive at the imaginative structures spoken of.


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Author Biography

Fabiano Tadeu Grazioli, Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões (URI), Erechim, RS, Brasil.

PhD in Literature and Master in Literature from the Postgraduate Program in Literature at the University of Passo Fundo (UPF), in Passo Fundo RS, Brazil; specialist in Teaching Portuguese Language and Literature and Degree in Portuguese/Spanish Literature and respective Literatures from the Integrated Regional University of Alto Uruguai and Missões (URI), in Erechim, RS, Brazil. Professor at the Department of Human Sciences at URI, in Erechim, RS, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Grazioli, F. T. (2023). Eu, Ota, rio de Hiroshima o dia que virou noite, de Jean-Paul Alègre: editorial mediation and the young reader’s approach to contemporary dramaturgy. Letras De Hoje, 58(1), e44868.



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