Acoustic characterization of oral vowels on children speech: the dialect from Florianopolis.


  • Lílian Minikel Brod Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Izabel Christine Seara Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Oral vowels, Florianopolis dialect, Children speech, Acoustic analysis.


The aim of this study was to present an acoustic analysis of Brazilian Portuguese (BP) stressed oral vowels produced by children aged 10 and 11 years old, regarding F1, F2 and relative duration. In order to avoid physiological differences between male and female, data were normalized using Lobanov method. Two analyses were performed. First, normalized data of the seven oral vowels were analyzed as a function of gender. Results showed significant differences for the low vowel regarding to gender, being more centralized for male subjects. Second, due to the sample size, normalized data of the vowels [e, a, o] were analyzed as a function of stress and place of articulation. Significant differences were found regarding to stress and place of articulation for both groups, male and female.


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How to Cite

Minikel Brod, L., & Seara, I. C. (2014). Acoustic characterization of oral vowels on children speech: the dialect from Florianopolis. Letras De Hoje, 49(1), 95–105.