What bimodal bilingual have to say about bilingual developing?


  • Ronice Müller de Quadros Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Diane Lillo-Martin University of Connecticut
  • Deborah Chen Pichler Gallaudet University


Bilingual acquisition, Bimodal acquisition, Sign languages, Spoken languages


The goal of this work is to present what our research with hearing children from Deaf parents, acquiring Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) and Portuguese, and American Sign Language (ASL) and English (LILLO-MARTIN ET. AL. 2010) have to say about bilingual development. The data analyzed in this study is part of the database of spontaneous interactions collected longitudinally, alternating contexts of sign and spoken languages. Moreover, there is data from experimental studies with tests in both pairs of languages that is incorporated to the present study. A general view about previous studies related to bimodal bilingual acquisition with hearing children, from “deaf” parents, will be presented. Then, we will show some linguistics aspects of this kind of acquisition found in our study and discuss about bilingual acquisition.


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Author Biographies

Ronice Müller de Quadros, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Ronice Müller de Quadros é Doutora em Lingüística. Professora na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. É pesquisadora do CNPq. Suas atividades estão voltadas para os estudos das línguas de sinais. Tem artigos e livros publicados sobre a aquisição das línguas de sinais, a gramática da língua de sinais brasileira, bilingüismo, educação de surdos e tradução e interpretação de línguas de sinais.

Diane Lillo-Martin, University of Connecticut

Dine Lillo-Martin is Professor in Linguistics at University of Connecticut. Her main teaching and research interest is language acquisition, particularly the acquisition of ASL by Deaf and hearing children.

Deborah Chen Pichler, Gallaudet University

Deborah Chen Pichler joined the Linguistics faculty at Gallaudet University. Her main teaching and research interest is language acquisition, particularly the acquisition of ASL by Deaf and hearing children. She is also interested in the acquisition of ASL as a second language by hearing adult learners.



How to Cite

Quadros, R. M. de, Lillo-Martin, D., & Chen Pichler, D. (2013). What bimodal bilingual have to say about bilingual developing?. Letras De Hoje, 48(3), 380–388. Retrieved from https://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/ojs/index.php/fale/article/view/12565



Part 3 – Studies on Bilingual Acquisition