Relationship between mobility and functional capacity with practice of physical activity in elderly participants of an association


  • Maria Paula Iorio Moraes Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Isabel Almeida Freire Cavalcante de Sousa Fonoaudióloga. Escolinha Toca da Criança e Centro de Estudos em Psicologia
  • Thiago Brasileiro de Vasconcelos Universidade Federal do Ceará



accidental falls, elderly, mobility limitation.


Objective: To evaluate the relationship between mobility and functional capacity with practice of physical activity in elderly participants of an association.
Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study carried out with a group of elderly people participants of an Association in the city of Fortaleza/CE. Data were collected through a questionnaire containing personal information such as gender, age, level of physical activity and the occurrence of falls in the previous year. Also, functional capacity through the Questionnaire of Multidimensional Functional Assessment (BOMFAQ) and mobility through Timed Up test & Go (TUG) were evaluated. The chi-square test and Pearson correlation were used for analysis of results and p<0.05 was adopted.
Results: The study included 71 older adults with a mean age of 72.42±7.06 years, female (76.1 %) and 43.7% said that they had fallen in the last 12 months. No significant differences were found (p=0.494) when physical activity was compared to BOMFAQ scores. In relation to physical activity and the TUG values, significant differences were observed (p=0.022), although there was a weak correlation (r=0.310; p=0.008).
Conclusion: The study shows that elderly participants of an association have deficits in their ability to perform activities, compromising the functional capacity, although no changes in mobility and risk of fall were observed. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that such modifications were more prevalent in sedentary elderly.


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