Georg Rusche: um ensaio biográfico




George Rusche. Biografia.




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Biografia do Autor

Dario Melossi, Universidade de Bologna, Bologna.

Doutor em Sociologia pela Universidade da Califórnia, Santa Bárbara, EUA. Professor da Universidade de Bologna, Bologna, Itália e da Universidade de Califórnia, Berkeley, EUA.


Dobb, Maurice. 1946. Studies in the development of capitalism. London: Routledge & Sons.

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Gillman, Peter and Leni Gillman. 1980. Collar the Lot. London: Quartet.

Gisevius, Hans B. 1947. To the bitter end. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.

Harris, Jose. 1977. William Beveridge: a biography. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Jaeger, H. 1955. Refugees’ Internment in Britain 1939-40. The Wiener Library Bulletin I9, 5-6.

Jay, Martin. 1973. The dialectical imagination. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.

Lafitte, F. 1940. The internment of aliens. Harmoridsworth: Penguin Books.

Link, Werner. 1964. Die Geschichte des Internationalen Jugend-Bundes (IJB) und des Internationalen Sozialistischen Kampf-Bundes (ISK). Meisenheim am Glan: Verlag Anton Hain.

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Rusche, Georg. 1933. Arbeitsmarkt und Strafvollzug.

Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung, 11:63-78. English trans.: Labor market and penal sanction. Crime and Social Justice 10 (Fall-Winter).

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(June 1). English trans.: Prison revolts or social policy: lessons from America. Crime and Social Justice, 13 (Summer).

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Rusche, Georg. 1924. Bemerkungen zum Rechtsbegriffn und zu den Grundsätzen der philosophischen Rechtslehre. Dissertation (Manuscript), University of Köln.

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Como Citar

Melossi, D. (2020). Georg Rusche: um ensaio biográfico. Civitas: Revista De Ciências Sociais, 20(2), 287–305.