Representations and discourses on Amazon in contemporary art: analisys about the journalistic coverage of the work of artists shamans




Amazon. Shamanism. Contemporary art. Media. Ecology.


This paper discuss how Amazon is portraited in Brazilian contemporary art, by analising how two artists, Bené Fonteles and Ernesto Neto, who use Amazon and indigenous people as a source of inspiration for their work have been reported by the media. It analyzes how ecology, environment and shamanism are mobilized in exhibitions and in the artistic work of Brazilian and Amazonian artists, and the reception of these themes in the circuit of contemporary art. The research discusses the main categories mobilized by the media to report the repercussion of these artistic works and which are the symbolic references associated with Amazon present in these discourses.


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Author Biography

Daniela Cordovil, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal. Universidade do Estado do Pará (Uepa), Belém, PA,

Doutora em Antropologia pela Universidade de Brasília. Professora Adjunta IV da Universidade do Estado do Para. Investigadora da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.


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How to Cite

Cordovil, D. (2020). Representations and discourses on Amazon in contemporary art: analisys about the journalistic coverage of the work of artists shamans. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 20(2), 210–220.