Theory of recognition and economic democracy: unexhausted potentials




Economics, Recognition, Attention, Economic democracy.


The text discusses the relationship between recognition and economics, within which, first, it will refer to the theoretical sense of recognition attributed by Adam Smith to human selfinterest, which however, was lost in the later construction of economic theory. Next, will be presented tendencies within economic theory, which resonate in the theory of recognition, as presented in Axel Honneth’s discussion of markets from the perspective of social freedom. The thesis will be defended the that significant potential for reforms in the direction of a more egalitarian and democratic form of economy rest upon the recognition-theoretical roots of the economy.


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Author Biography

Lisa Herzog, Hochschule für Politik, Technische Universität München (TUM), München, Alemanha.

Doutora pela University of Oxford (Oxford, Great Bitain), professora na Hochschule für Politik, Technische Universität München, München, Alemanha.


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How to Cite

Herzog, L. (2018). Theory of recognition and economic democracy: unexhausted potentials. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 18(3), 523–538.



Dossiê: Reconhecimento e economia política