Negotiating inclusion into the consumption market: conditional cash transfer programs and family order


  • Ariel Wilkis Universidad Nacional de San Martín
  • Martin Hornes Universidad Nacional de San Martín



Finances. Consumption. Social policies. Monetary infrastructure.


This paper explores two processes that agendas of economic sociology research normally addresse separately: the processes of financialization of consumption and monetization of social policies in the popular sectors. Through ethnographic work carried out in the Buenos Aires metropolitan area, we suggest looking into the new monetary infrastructure of the popular world where different monetary segments converge and (finance and social policy) and show the new economic reality of the popular sectors.


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How to Cite

Wilkis, A., & Hornes, M. (2017). Negotiating inclusion into the consumption market: conditional cash transfer programs and family order. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 17(1), 61–78.



Finances and society