The family as a realization of democratic ethicity according to Honneth: beyond the androcentric model and the naturalism of Hegel


  • Francisco Jozivan Guedes de Lima Universidade Federal do Piauí



Democracy. Ethicity. Family. Hegel. Honneth.


This paper intends to present the concept of family as a sphere of democratic ethicity according to Axel Honneth, specifically, from the social-normative reconstruction developed in Das Recht der Freiheit (The freedom’s right). Honneth reconstructs how the woman through the insertion in the labor market has won recognition and broke with an androcentric model of division of family tasks; analyzes the transition from the traditional model based on the marginalization of the female figure for a democratic model based on partnership and solidarity. The reconstruction of the normative model of democratic family is opposed to Hegelian naturalization of family relationships. Honneth understands that the family in its composition and its change has a strong cultural base, so that it can be legitimately composed by heterosexual couples, gay and adopted children.


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How to Cite

Guedes de Lima, F. J. (2016). The family as a realization of democratic ethicity according to Honneth: beyond the androcentric model and the naturalism of Hegel. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 16(3), 463–481.