Diary of learning memories





Memoirs, Learning, Re-signification, Portuguese language


The present proposal addressed in this study aims to reflect on a teaching strategy for Portuguese language classes, based on the recording of learning memories in the “daily” genre. The activity was carried out with eighty students from the ninth year of elementary school, at Colégio Marista Pio XII, in the city of Novo Hamburgo. Through the production of a diary of learning memories, the teacher observed a growth in the students’ learning, in an autonomous and protagonist way, thus being able to mediate and intervene in order for it to really take place. The daily genre, in addition to enabling students to narrate their learning, allowed them to take a stand on them, explaining, arguing and revisiting them throughout the process of knowledge construction, being a source of resignification of the teaching process.


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Author Biography

Tatiane Peres Zawaski, Colégio Marista Pio XII (CMPXII), Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brasil.

Doutoranda em Memória Social e Bens Culturais, no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Memória Social e Bens Culturais, da Universidade La Salle, em Canoas, RS, Brasil – Bolsista CAPES. Professora de Língua Portuguesa, Literatura e Produção Textual, na educação básica, no colégio Marista Pio XII, em Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Zawaski, T. P. (2021). Diary of learning memories. Caderno Marista De Educação, 12(1), e41388. https://doi.org/10.15448/2763-5929.2021.1.41388



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